Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

What does Sam Chan-Jury wants to share with you today?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Long time no update...

I've been busy (this is a lie!) I try hard looking for things to do to fill my day (this is a lie too!)...

Right! I'm now under the pressure of finishing my Uni Games report because until I have it done and approved by MUSA I wont get paid (this is true and very annoying!)

I've been back from Uni Games for 2.5 weeks now but I'm still feeling very lazy and reluctant! Nothing seems interesting to me (esp work!) and I've ben so slack that I havent been looking for (and of course not applying) for any jobs...

Wedding is only 1.5 weeks away now, there's only fine tuning to do so Chris and I are not too stress about it. The thing we really need to work on is our first dance and the bible studies. Everything is almost ready now apart from our pastor still have not received his marriage celebrant license. I'm not too interested in the legal side of getting married but at the same time the legal document has to be done properly otherwise getting my PR can be even more difficult in the future!

I havent slept well for a few days bad... I've been reading comics books online day in day out. Finally finished the series that I wanted to read since ages ago (before coming to NZ), so now I'm back to my Uni Games stuff...

Okay last nut not least, here's a picture of baby cockatiels...they are jsut so cute I have to put the pic on here for everyone to see :)


  • At 4:59 PM , Blogger Kate said...

    you work too hard be4, better take time out. those BB looks a fake...

  • At 9:08 PM , Blogger Connie's Blytheworld said...

    第都係第一次見 baby cockatiels!!!

    初初睇, 仲以為係 Kate 又手製一些公仔!


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