Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

What does Sam Chan-Jury wants to share with you today?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Heath Lloyd - Enjoy your next journey mate!!!

Email fr Cat:

Heath Lloyd - Enjoy your next journey mate!!!

For those of you who know Heath from the gym, (characterised by his shaven head, his stocky build, or commonly the one passing a cheeky comment....) it is tragically sad but he was killed in a road accident earlier this week. Heath was part of our bodybuilding club and a regular Massey Gym Member.

There will be a funeral held in Waipukurau tomorrow (Saturday @ 10am).
If you want further details about where to go please contact me 06 3553102 and I will get you the information. A few cars from the gym are going if you wish to catch a ride to the funeral.

“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.”

Poor Heath

One of our previous gym members and our dear friend, Heath was killed this week... Tomorrow is his funeral.
Not a close friend of his but we always chatted in the gym when I was at work. A very friendly person who worked as a bouncer in a pub. He left the gym when he decided to join the police force late last year.
I dont know the reason of him being killed, whether it was a murder or accident; everyone feels the loss of this young man who had just made it to his 30's...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


There is a list of weddings that I'm going to next year, man everyone is getting married. How lovely -:)

Sofia & Dean---March 2007
Nathan & Hannah---March 2007
Giap & Ian---April 2007

I've been looking at dresses already; Giap asked me to be her bride maid but she also said that she'll buy me the dress (Yay!!!) However, I still cant help myself looking at ball gowns and bridal dresses online. Here're a few that I really like:

Friday, March 24, 2006

Useful Web Sites

The newspaper Ming Pao is set as my homepage which keeps me informed what's happening in HK. Anyone havent heard about the gun shooting incident in HK yet? Go check this out!

The other web site is mainly for my mum:
This is one of the NZ Heart Foundation Web sites; it has information and links to healthy eating and stuff like that!

Nathan & Hannah's Fairwell/Engagement Dinner

Nathan (the big guy in the photos) was my summer flatmate a year ago and had been flatting with Kate last year. He's following Hannah to Japan in a week time; Hannah is a kiwi but speaks fluent Japanese (that's what she studied at Massey). Although they are going to Japan together, they'll be in different cities (1 hr on bullet train!) Nathan will be teaching English in a college in Kyoto and Hannah will be studying in university in Obe. Hannah loves Japan and has a heart of minitry there (Apperently, Japan is worse that China in terms of Christianity). Whereas Nathan will just go wherever Hannah will go!

These 2 are enagaed now (since 2 weeks ago) and will be married next year when they come back to NZ for holidays. Now Nathan is just so busy packing and giving away his old "junk"! I was given (forced rather!) his plot plant 'Maryann II' and many other goodies like plain envelops and an "older-than-me" backpack (Gee I wonder if I'd ever use that!).

Anyway, even though I hated flatting with him (as you know men have no common sense and are messy to live with!), he's a lovely guy with a heart for people and esp teens. He's a great youth group leader and a cheery person to be with. and certainly a MAN OF GOD!

We will continusously send our blessings to them through prayers and hopefully emails...

Goodbye Nathan!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Joey the "Gentleman Chow"

Here is my Joey playing with the computer cords and here you see poo sticking on his bumb!
Man he really reminds me the green budgie I had when I was little...His name was Gentleman Chow--"Chow Sun See" I guess mum will be the one who understands what I'm talking about here the

Monday, March 13, 2006

Here's the website of the Flightsuit inventor! a look at other birds in colourful flightsuits

The SCARY FlightSuit

The FlightSuit is designed for birds to protect them from flying away (detachable lanyard) and to collect all the droppings (It works like a nappy) I got it just yesterday and Woofy doesnt really care what it is; he chewed it, play with it, doesnt scare of it at all.
The major challenge is to hold him in my hands; he doesnt like it at all and we struggle to put the flightsuit on him. This morning Kate and I worked together to force Wooft wear the super flightsuit, we succeeded but Woofy wasnt that happ afterall...
He hates the lanyard so I took it off him and wished that he will get use to the flightsuit. However, he went mental and angry; chewed on everything, ran around without proper balance. It took him 15min before he settled down and accept the fact that he's not getting the suit off.
Anyway, I took the suit off him after about 30min because I felt so sorry for him. We shall try again tomorrow...

My Woofy my kid

My Woofy plays in the morning, cuddle with me and nap on my shoulder in the afternoon. 7pm is his bed time...
Woofy screams when I leave the room, flatter in the cage with excitment when I come home, goes mental when I put him back to the cage...what a baby...

Our first letter!!!

We dont live together and we are not married but we have a Trademe account together isnt that cute to receive a letter with our name on it-:)
Chris said its a good start

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My shy

He was given to me by the lady whom I bought Woofy from; she saw my advertisement on about Gary and she felt sorry for me...
Joey was originally called Smurfy but Kate could never remember or pronouce the name so she renamed him 'Joey'.
Joey has a brother but we separated them as I cannot have too many birds; I feel sorry for Joey's brother cos he's alone all by himself after I took Joey home last Sunday...
Joey is not hand-raised and he scares of people even more than Gary when he first joined the family. Joey is a lot smaller than Gary and he has a squashed face (different species). He is pale grey-blue and has a pale yellow face.
Woofy has been such a pain in the bum to Joey because he's so much bigger and he always flatter around in the cage for nothing!

My Woofy (such mental bird!)

He's the grey one at the bottom, the others are his brothers/sisters
He's hand-raised so he's very tame but he loves attention too much he wont settle down in the cage. He can be really crazy in times...
He's Woofy (like a wolf) because he's grey.

My Gary (no more...)

Lost 20th Feb 2006, Monday, 7pm, still missing...