Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Nathan & Hannah's Fairwell/Engagement Dinner

Nathan (the big guy in the photos) was my summer flatmate a year ago and had been flatting with Kate last year. He's following Hannah to Japan in a week time; Hannah is a kiwi but speaks fluent Japanese (that's what she studied at Massey). Although they are going to Japan together, they'll be in different cities (1 hr on bullet train!) Nathan will be teaching English in a college in Kyoto and Hannah will be studying in university in Obe. Hannah loves Japan and has a heart of minitry there (Apperently, Japan is worse that China in terms of Christianity). Whereas Nathan will just go wherever Hannah will go!

These 2 are enagaed now (since 2 weeks ago) and will be married next year when they come back to NZ for holidays. Now Nathan is just so busy packing and giving away his old "junk"! I was given (forced rather!) his plot plant 'Maryann II' and many other goodies like plain envelops and an "older-than-me" backpack (Gee I wonder if I'd ever use that!).

Anyway, even though I hated flatting with him (as you know men have no common sense and are messy to live with!), he's a lovely guy with a heart for people and esp teens. He's a great youth group leader and a cheery person to be with. and certainly a MAN OF GOD!

We will continusously send our blessings to them through prayers and hopefully emails...

Goodbye Nathan!


  • At 11:17 PM , Blogger Kate said...

    Well, he's not the idea flatmate in yr standard but kinda okay for me...because I can yell(?) at him and tell him off at times~~


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