Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

What does Sam Chan-Jury wants to share with you today?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Joey the "Gentleman Chow"

Here is my Joey playing with the computer cords and here you see poo sticking on his bumb!
Man he really reminds me the green budgie I had when I was little...His name was Gentleman Chow--"Chow Sun See" I guess mum will be the one who understands what I'm talking about here the


  • At 4:17 AM , Blogger Kate said...

    y can call joey GC. Jr~~ i think he got use to us more now, hop'n to play with him 1 day soon~~

  • At 1:44 PM , Blogger 妹子Sam said...

    May be I can call him "Pang Dan" Jr. because he's so good at doing the "number 1" strech (Yut Zi Ma)!!! HAHA!


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