Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

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Monday, March 13, 2006

The SCARY FlightSuit

The FlightSuit is designed for birds to protect them from flying away (detachable lanyard) and to collect all the droppings (It works like a nappy) I got it just yesterday and Woofy doesnt really care what it is; he chewed it, play with it, doesnt scare of it at all.
The major challenge is to hold him in my hands; he doesnt like it at all and we struggle to put the flightsuit on him. This morning Kate and I worked together to force Wooft wear the super flightsuit, we succeeded but Woofy wasnt that happ afterall...
He hates the lanyard so I took it off him and wished that he will get use to the flightsuit. However, he went mental and angry; chewed on everything, ran around without proper balance. It took him 15min before he settled down and accept the fact that he's not getting the suit off.
Anyway, I took the suit off him after about 30min because I felt so sorry for him. We shall try again tomorrow...


  • At 3:50 PM , Blogger 妹子Sam said...

    Hey Jase

    Nah not for Joey ay cos he's not tame; it'll only freak him out big time if i force that on him ay. But yeah Woofy started acting funny now he seems a bit stressed out after that flight suit incident...
    Anyway when do you want to see the Hostel. Chris doesnt want to go now so you can bring a friend, I'll give you the voucher for the free tickets

  • At 4:15 AM , Blogger Kate said...

    he still acting a bit funny...


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