Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

What does Sam Chan-Jury wants to share with you today?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

My recent feelings...

I'm not feeling joyful these days...Don't get me wrong, Chris and I are very well together and our marriage is working out fine. My job is hard but that has no power to create such sorrow in me.

I cried in church today because I felt so much sorrow in me... I'm living well but those I love dearly are not. Since when so many people's marriage stop working? Since when couples stop loving each other? Since when God is ignored in their marriage? Since when her/his heart turned away from their husband/wife?

I feel so much sorrow in me looking at how the marriage of those I love dearly not working out... those I love are suffering and in pain; their hearts are torn open and their hearts are continuously crying for help. I know and I believe that God's love is deeper than any hurt...but I wish I can do something about it and not just standing here in a distance looking at my family and friends in so much pain...and living each day in fear.

This one friend I feel so much for him... He's like a brother and son of my own. I don't know him very well but every time I looked at him I have so much motherly and brotherly love for him. He's just simply a wonderful person, a godly person who has his faith and trust in the Lord. Why then? Why does God allow this to happen to him? Why is she turning away from him and why is she not happy with their marriage and now commit and engage in adultery? Why wouldn't she keeps her promises and love him forever until death comes between them? Where is God? Where is God in her heart? Where is God in their marriage? Where is God now? What is God going to do? They are joined by God on their wedding day and they are one, what God has joined together let no man separate and interfere.

They are so beautiful together, they were so wonderfully married, they are one and let no evil enters their covenant with God. If a Christian marriage wont work, I dont think anything else would...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My new job

My new job is a lot harder than I thought and its diffinitely more complicated and challenging than my previous job at the rec centre. Well there's just so much to learn; so many technical terms, so many different confusing parts, and so many things about the system that they refuse to teach me.

I'm just very lucky to have Nick (my work buddy) to teach me. He's only been there for 11 months (which isnt a long time for a job so complicated) and he's really good at teaching and showing me how the system works and giving me tasks to do in order to train me up. He's a very funny guy and he's only 20; I'm very glad that he's so easy to get along since he's the person I see the whole day :)

The problem I found as soon as I started this job is that, there's no proper induction programme in place and all I can learn is the bits and pieces that came to me randomly. According to Nick, our boss doesnt teach the staff much at all; we are not allowed to do a lot of things and there doesnt seem a lot of trust around the place. I think the boss is finding really hard to delegate jobs to her staff. She's probably like me when I was doing my sport management stuff; it's hard to delegate tasks to others when you want things to be done EXACTLY you want! Other than lack of trust, I think she worries about the staff not having the cabability to learn so much in a short period of time. Whatever it is, it is very frustrating when they dont train you systematically and all you can rely on is your pity memory...

New parts that I leant today: Gasket, Trivet, O ring, dryer filter, access port, kneading blades, shaving foil and blades...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Funny Cats


Gingerbread Men Haka

Gingerbread men Haka! NZ Bakery of the Year!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Prayer for Forgiveness

Say this prayer over and over again, use this to help you pray for forgiveness from God so that you can forgive whoever wrongs you! Change the words in red to the person you are praying for.

You will be in our prayers and thoughts.

Father, in Jesus’ name, I pray for those individuals who have hurt me in the past. As an act of my will, I forgive them for what they did. I will not hate them, despise them, or desire that they suffer retribution for their actions. In fact, Lord, I ask You to forgive them and open their eyes so that they will see and know the error of their wants and not hurt others in the way that they hurt me. Draw them close to You, Lord. Minister Your life unto them.

I give You all the hurt and bitterness in my life. I refuse to carry the burden of those past hurts in my heart anymore. Help me, Lord, to cleanse my heart with Your Word. I release the individuals who have hurt me, and I ask You to speak Your blessings upon them. I will no longer live with the suffered wrong. I resist the temptation to pick up or remember the hurts. I will not gossip about what they did or ridicule or attack their character. Instead, I choose to think on Your Word, which tells me to let go of the past and press on toward the prize of Your high calling. I will not let the pain of my past rob me of the promise of my future.

Thank You, Lord, for freeing me from my past. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors (Matthew 6:12).

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old )Isaiah 43:18).

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13,14).

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Found a job la!

Found a job la!
I have finally found a full time job after so many months of headache and troubles!

I have yet to return my contract to the boss tomorrow.
I'm employed by Leader & Watt, a electrical appliances store, in the Spare Parts & Accessories Division, as a Customer Service Administrator.

It's a full time Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm job and I will also work rostered Saturday and the occational Sundays (during summer).

There's a lot to learn on the job and it is far more complicated than my previous job in the gym. I am very excited and nervous about starting this new job but Chris said I will do fine and I will excel in this role (fingers crossed!). I guess I am most nervous about not fitting in since this is pretty much my first job outside of Uni; people that I work with and the whole environment are so different.

The pay isnt too bad either; well its not a high pay job and I get paid less than my reception job at the gym. However, as my first job outside of Uni, I am please with the pay and I will work hard to strive for a pay rise annually!

The other thing that I worry about working full time is that, I have to leave my birdies at home all by themselves during the day. Woofy is so use to walking free inside the house all day and it will be so aweful for him to stay in the cage all day when Chris and I are at work. I just need to make it up for them and spend lots of time with them during the weekends...

Praise God for His goodness and faithfullness! For it is HIM who grants me this job! Thank you Lord! You are AWESOME!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Goodbye Fish

Dust to dust, ash to ash, fish is now in the soil with her oxygen weed... Fingers crossed the cats wont disturb her peach la.... Amen!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Sorry sis...

Sorry Kate I have to tell you that Un Jr is gone... She did not move at all since yesterday and when I checked her out this morning, she was all stiff and would not respond. Her body is all wrinkly already I think she was gone since yesterday. On Sunday she was not looking well already; she was floating the whole time which was an indication of illness/stress and water contamination. I changed the water on Saturday morning so I didnt do it again on Sunday night for her.

I am so sorry I didnt look after her well enough... Not sure if Chris and I will adopt another axolotl in the near future but I'll keep you updated la!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Disturbing pictures of Un Jr.. WARNING!

Grose ay! I know! Chris was so disturbed when I was taking these pictures...huh huh huh huh...

My Chinese Birthday Buns

I wanted to make them since I saw the recipe online couple weeks ago. I have always love the Chinese birthday peach buns, I use to eat a lot of them at Grandma/pa's birthday dinners.
These ones that I made last night werent completely successful...well it tastes very similar to those in the resturants but the bun is a lot harder (steamed for too long may be?). The one thing that really disappointed me was that the buns are yellowish not white...I wonder how the chefs in HK made those buns so white...mine are yellow :(
Anyway, I think it was kinda fun making them, even though their shapes are not exactly that appetising hoho ;-)
Oh I so wish Kate and mum are here to share these with me (and cook them together). Chris doesnt really like the white lotus seed paste inside the buns (oh but I love them!)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pullip Sooni

Is this my Sooni? Did you get her for me? Or would you like to keep her -:)


Your new girl is HERE!!! She arrived in one piece this morning!!! She's a beauty!!!! I'll take her to the post office on Monday-:)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

What the kiddies do throughout the day...

They like looking out the bedroom window, especially in the afternoon when the sun shines into the room, it's warm and they like it.
Although they dont stay on top of the cage for very long, they like exploring around. Joey usually walk around the chair (on which I put the cage), she (Joey is a girl I'm sure now!) will walk around the edge of the chair like climbing a cliff. Woofy on the other hand will climb on top of Chris's dresser which is right next to the cage; he'll peck on the kiwi and everything else on top of the dresser.
That's not the end...after couple hours, they'll fly off the cage and start walking around in our room (and poo everywhere of course). Once they have finished with the room they'll slowly walk to the lounge area where I'm usually be. Sometimes Woofy will come straight to me and climb on me, other times they'll just walk around the lounge (and poo!) and pick up stones and dust from the carpet.

Yesterday (4/7/07) they were both standing on my shoulders in front of the computer, after a while they decided to stand on the back of the chair instead (and poos all over the back of that chair!)

Today it's going to be the same routine I can imagine!

TRANSFORMERS Behine the Scenes

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Oh man I LOVE this movie! It was so awesome that i almost burst into tears when I saw them transformed!

Monday, July 02, 2007

REAL Transformers!

Haha real funny!

I think the first guy was Taki from Johonny's Jr...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Today's Woofy

Got caught attacking the poor kiwi

I put the birdies right next to the window in the afternoon. They enjoy looking out the window and keeping themselves warm under the sun.

Woofy preening

Woofy preens himself all the time, he's just finished moulting last week :)