Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Found a job la!

Found a job la!
I have finally found a full time job after so many months of headache and troubles!

I have yet to return my contract to the boss tomorrow.
I'm employed by Leader & Watt, a electrical appliances store, in the Spare Parts & Accessories Division, as a Customer Service Administrator.

It's a full time Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm job and I will also work rostered Saturday and the occational Sundays (during summer).

There's a lot to learn on the job and it is far more complicated than my previous job in the gym. I am very excited and nervous about starting this new job but Chris said I will do fine and I will excel in this role (fingers crossed!). I guess I am most nervous about not fitting in since this is pretty much my first job outside of Uni; people that I work with and the whole environment are so different.

The pay isnt too bad either; well its not a high pay job and I get paid less than my reception job at the gym. However, as my first job outside of Uni, I am please with the pay and I will work hard to strive for a pay rise annually!

The other thing that I worry about working full time is that, I have to leave my birdies at home all by themselves during the day. Woofy is so use to walking free inside the house all day and it will be so aweful for him to stay in the cage all day when Chris and I are at work. I just need to make it up for them and spend lots of time with them during the weekends...

Praise God for His goodness and faithfullness! For it is HIM who grants me this job! Thank you Lord! You are AWESOME!



  • At 7:18 PM , Blogger Kate said...

    good on you~ I know that's hard coz you can't take them with you, same as Chris, he may want to take you with him to work be4...well, we all know you work very hard!


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