Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

What does Sam Chan-Jury wants to share with you today?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My vegetables

Green Capsicum

Egg Plant

lots of tomatos!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

life recently

Had a job interview last Friday, don't think I'll get the job and in fact don't really want that job. It's great pay and great experience but its a pretty hard out job and I dont think I can handle that kind of stress and business without a car...

Anyway, keep being turned down for other easy jobs...well I just want to do admin stuff right now really... Otherwise I'll join Chris working at Noel Leeming selling stuff (I never wanted to be a salesperson...)

I'm a bit worry about quitting my job...worry about not having an income...I still have at least 2 weeks to go although I cant wait to get out of where I am now. Hopefully I can get a job somewhere else within the next 2 weeks...

I guess I will have more time to plan the wedding and the prepare for Uni Games (only 4 weeks to go!)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The world hates me!

I had a mental break down at work yesterday (my friend called it an Anxiety Attack). I went to work for 30min and I started crying and crying and crying, I couldn’t work at all so I called my friend to cover me last night.

How to say, all the sudden the whole world is against me...first I got stuck at my current job and have heard nothing from my job applications so far. Then I was abused by a customer last night which made me want to leave my job even more! Yesterday morning (this is the funny one..) I tried to wax my upper lip but end up pulling a layer of skin off as well. As you can imagine I have a big wound around my upper lip, I looked like I have a layer of Milo on my mouth. Having absolutely no desire to go to work, I still went and I knew I looked ridiculous! Being so self conscious, I felt so ashamed to look at the customers. On top of that, as I was biking to work, I biked pass 2 students. As I biked pass one of them, he bend down towards me and shouted right in front of my face. I had such a fright I almost fell off my bike!

So...what's wrong with my life?

Anyway, I'm still glad that my friend was willing to take over my shift even though she has a test today. Chris also came to pick me up and gave me lots of comfort. I'm just totally embarrassed and I have decided to resign from my receptionist role and focus on looking for another job.

Kate is looking after my face at the moment, thanks to her vitamin E oil the wound healed really quick (although still look horrible...) I need to put some make up on to cover that up before I go to work today...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I hate quitting but I am this time!

I have decided to resign from my current job being a receptionist. I got abused by a customer again yesterday and I think I had enough crap from this place already! I'm planning to propose my resignation next week after my Sport Development Officer job interview this Friday. In 2 weeks time, a new full time staff should be able to start.

I don't want to get stuck in here any longer I want to leave and I want to be reliefed from working unearthly hours. I had enough disappointment from management's ignorance...

I simply had enough..

Friday, March 02, 2007

working working working always working

feeling really really tired lately...just work and work and I finally went back to the gym and did about 1.5 hrs work out. I did my beloved weigt training then a little while of cardio (cant be bothered to do more...) exercise (weight lifting anyway) is such a great way to release stress and lift up your spirit. I feel great after my workout today and work 10.5 hrs stright through without a break. I do have to say that it hasnt been too busy today, how lucky!

I work half day tomorrow and then I have to go to town fund raise for UniGames until about 7pm. I have a 21st birthday party to go to (with Chris) at 8pm tomorrow night. We are selling sausage sizzles tomorrow ($1 each!) and aiming to sell about 1000 of them (yeah that's a lot I know!) We'll have to put half of them in the freezer and hopefully sell the first half quick!

Oh man! 30min! 30min and then I can go home! I cant wait! Chris is picking me up tonight cos I just cant be bothered to bike home, so tired...