Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

What does Sam Chan-Jury wants to share with you today?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Woofy's first Christmas!

Woofy and Joey's first Christmas, yup they are not even 1 year old yet (oh kiddy kiddy) I took Woofy to Animates (a pet store) last Sunday and he had a few photos with Santa. Oh isn't that cute!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Amazing MV

Bad Days...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Woofy the bird with sexy tongue

Woofy had so much fun playing inside the bird bath today. He was just dipping his chest in and drinking excessive of water (purposly!) He can pee as bad as dogs after drinking lots of water...
Yeah my friend gave me a whole bunch of parsley and Woofy loves it! The video shows the whole process of how Woofy try to reach the stalk of the parsley..Gosh his tongue is long!

Woofy so Desperate

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Woofy Big Day Out!

We put the flightsuit on Woofy again last weekend (he hated it!). Woofy couldn't stop biting the flightsuit and he tried very hard to get out of it. He didnt really enjoyed being outside and he didnt like standing on a tree (too busy biting!) Oh well he needs to get use to it somehow, I can't risk taking him outside without the flightsuit, not only can he fly away, I really don't trust the cats around this area.
Tomorrow I'll take him to town to the pet shop. They are doing a thing called "Pet photo with Santa" Yup! I'm putting Woofy on Santa's knees for photos and yes I'm sure he will freak out big time-:P
My Woofy is really chicken. I can not believe that he got frightened by a mosquito the other day...a bug that is 100o times smaller than he is...


Chris and I have left all the bookings too late, our first choice venue is now booked by someone else on 19th May so we have to choose and different weekend to get married. Not all that bad though, we are lucky enough that all other weekends in May are still free so we picked the 12th May which is the weekend just before graduations.

At the moment, the plan is mum and dad arriving NZ on Thursday before the wedding (sat), then the wedding then graduation week. I should graduate on the following Wed, then we'll start travelling on Thursday for approx 5 days.

Well that's the plan so far anyway, the only things we have confirmed are the venue (Charlet on the Lake), the caterer (approx 70~80 guests) and the photographer (the most $$$ part of the wedding but it will be worth it!)

Yeah yeah wedding is gonna cost quite a bit. Chris and I are still not working full-time but we are praying everynight and trusting that God will provide for us (as He did from my parents...) I'm confident that I will find a fultime job eventually but it is the timing that is kinda tricky (God what is your timing?) We are not planning to have our honeymoon anywhere fancy, prob will postpone the honeymoon until we have saved enough money (and holidays) after the wedding-:)

It will all work out...just trust God!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Not well...

Not feeling right today...bit dizzy and doppy...I bet I watched too much tv and ate too much junk food yesterday...Dumb! Not going to work today as a result but get to stay home to do some schoolworks...Meet my supervisor again this Thursday so I better get everything done before that or get my ass kicked again!

Keep reminding myself the versus read with Chris on Sunday:

Matt 6.34
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"

Matt 6.14
"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Farther will also forgive you"

Try not to worry about tomorrow but hey I'm a little person with little faith so I still do worry about tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that...and it keeps going on and on...

Friday, December 01, 2006


Thanks Daddy and Mummy...

I cried my eyes out last night when I received the call from Dad...Thanks dad and I promise I will pay everything back and I will provide for you and mum in the future! Thanks for making my wedding possible to happen in May next year and thanks for your love and support all these years..and sorry I'm still a burden to you 2 but I'm growing stronger everyday with the love from you guys, my family!

My heart broke and my pride revealed...God humbled me and told me that my pride has made me suffer. "No more", I said. "And I will turn it into endless motivation to work hard and to provide for my family when I'm able to!"

I love you, dad, mum, sis, and Chris!