Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My bedroom door...

My flatmate has been complaining about my bedroom door. She called me a heavy sleeper cos I never heard my door squeak or even slam shut by the wind at night. I told her "I'm just too tired"

Honestly, my sister sleeping in the room right opposite my room has never complaint (heavy sleeper too??) Although feeling kinda annoyed with my flatmate's complaints, I don't see myself doing too much about the door. I'm not going to buy a bottle of WD40 just to stop the squeaking sound (Sorry not prepared to spend that much money to fix a problem that isnt a problem to me at all...) Maybe...maybe I'll just use my free weights as door stops to restrict the door's movement...maybe...

What a pain in the butt! Can't wait to move out and have my very own flat, living with family members ONLY!

Still no job for me...

Another job got turned down today and expecting another rejection soon...
What's wrong with me that employers are not even interested in interviewing me?
Still no job for me...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Stress here I come again...

Life is starting to get wee bit more stressful with my research report due in 2 weeks, the work load that piled up over the past month has come to alarm me again...(Oh God when am I gonna get over this dragging report?)

Job hunting hasn't been successful, still not offered an interview yet and 3 more jobs to hear back from, hopefully I will be offered one of those jobs... One more job to apply for at the moment, not many jobs around and most student jobs have already been filled or the wage rates are just too pathetic to consider.

I'll getting a paid rise at the Rec Centre (from $12.50 to $15 per hour) which is great news. My supervisor offered me another 10 hours to work over the summer (add up to just under 20 hours per week). But I'm still hesitating because I really need to work more hours to cover 2 people's living expenses... saving for my wedding seems to be a far away dream at the moment...

Chris hasn't found a job yet either, lucky his dad is not going to charge him any rent until he finds a job. But yes, he is not earning yet and so saving for our wedding seems even impossible...Chris said we'll have to borrow money from the bank to get married next year if we don't earn enough by May 2007. I really don't want to postpone the wedding...Once a customer told me that "Don't let money put your life on hold" very true and very encouraging...

But yeah, I'm still really resentful sometimes and very stress also. I'm improving though...I've been praying and trusting God (and doubting Him at the same time)...Asking home for money is not an option for me (I just simply don't want to be a burden to my parents anymore!) I hate being a burden...

Meanwhile I'm just focusing on finishing my research and do whatever hours are offered to me at the rec centre...I try to earn as much as I possibly can, even if I have to work on a Sunday...