Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Recent News

Nothing much happening still have not found a job yet, feeling rather disappointed and frustrated... I keep wondering "what's wrong with me? How come no one wants to employ me?" By saying that I should really look at just how short the time I have been seriously looking for a job...well...about 2 weeks only... I think I'm just being very impatience and faithless to God. It took Chris over 3 months to find the job he is at now; it's no easy task!

The other thing that limit how many jobs I can apply is the working hours of the jobs. Well I refuse to work on weekends and evenings. Therefore I'm really limited to the office hours (hours that Chris is now working). I do not mind working rostered Saturday but giving up Sunday is not going to be possible. I swore to God that I will not give up my Church Sunday for anything!

Family comes first, Chris does not want me to work weekends either so let's just stick with applying for Monday to Friday jobs for now...


  • At 7:56 PM , Blogger Kate said...

    You take your time la, I don't want you work on Sunday as well!


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