Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Another step closer!

Just finished all our invitations yesterday. Yeah!!! Took us quite a while to do but the design is totally original and classy! We are both very pleased with the design (by both of us) and the finished invite is far better than what I had imagined before we started.

Anyway, we are another step closer now. We plan to send all the invitations out by end of Jan or early Feb. Sending one back home to HK for mum and dad too (with my wish list insert haha!)

Still haven't heard from the new flat we have found few days ago...The owner wants to meet with all the potential tenants individually...Yet to arrange a meeting with him but fingers crossed we will get this very dinky flat! (Personally I prefer somewhere bigger but anywhere else just looked kinda ugly and old...)


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