Sammi Sam Jury Bloggie

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Friday, July 28, 2006

3 weeks out till first competition

Okay so this is how I look like at the moment (or slightly softer as I just had 300g of choco wafer sticks...Oh Lord...)
I only have 3 weeks before my first bodybuilding competition. I struggle to get my bodyfat % down, I'm still holding 20% which is not very good at all but I'll try...Cat said my competition weight should be around 49kg, so I have 4 kg of bodyfat to lose...very challenging...
I'm really good with my weight training and I have to walk at least 45min first thing is the morning, 6 days a week. It is my diet which is a big challenge; I have crash days every now and then and everytime I crash, I eat WHATEVER!!! I think I've consumed over 1000kcal from chocolate and cookies today...
So this is how I look, I can see my abs most of the time when I suck my tummy in and my shoulders are wider, my legs slightly more defined (but still look like 2 huge chunks!) However, I still look too soft compared to other figure girls...I might have to compete in a lower category which is body shape...Who knows how far I can get in 3 weeks time anyway...just wish me luck and stop me from buying those junkies...



  • At 10:00 AM , Blogger *** Connie *** said...

    That doesn't look like you, you key your head onto the pics?

  • At 8:21 PM , Blogger 妹子Sam said...

    Haha it is really me! And I need to get a bit bigger (but leaner) than that!
    mum...I'll be wearing a bikini on stage (Oh My God!) I'm healthy, very healthy! I eat lots of salad and vegetables and I onl eat lean meat (tuna and chicken breast) I only have choco and treats every now and then when I go mad...

  • At 2:55 AM , Blogger Kate said...

    She got mad most of the time~~

  • At 10:43 AM , Blogger *** Connie *** said...

    try to eat carrot when you are getting mad...

  • At 10:46 AM , Blogger *** Connie *** said...

    你練到咁大隻, 以後要keep 住咖啦喎?!

  • At 2:53 AM , Blogger 妹子Sam said...

    I cant eat too much carrots, it has high sugar content compared to other green veggies...sad ay...I cant even eat fruits...
    Anyway, yeah I think I want to keep my muscly body. hehe-:)

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